Thyateira and Hastane Höyüğü Excavation

Thyateira Excavation

Thyateira ancient city and Hastane Höyüğü excavations in Akhisar District of Manisa have been carried out by a team under the decision of the Council of Ministers since 2011 by a team directed by Dokuz Eylul University, Faculty of Letters, Department of Archeology, Faculty member Prof. Dr. Engin Akdeniz. Excavations and support provided by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, General Directorate of Cultural Heritage and Museums and the excavations that continue under the support of the Governorship of Manisa were included in the support of the Turkish Historical Society in 2019.

In 2011, excavations started under the leadership and main sponsorship of Akhisar Municipality, as well as archeology, academicians and students from architecture, geology, geophysics, restoration, epigraphy, anthropology and art history departments. Remains and finds related to the Prehistoric and Protohistoric periods in the Hastane Höyüğü with the restoration works at the ruins of the Tepe Mezarlığı in the spreading area of ​​Thyateira. Thyateira is an archaeological site that is visited by thousands of the tourists every year within the scope of faith tourism, as it has one of the first seven churches (the first seven Christian communities) mentioned in the Bible. “Restoration Project of the Tepe Mezarlığı Columnated Roman Street”, prepared by Prof. Dr. Engin Akdeniz, Architect Kiyas Tökmeci and his static expert, Civil Engineer Bülent İliter, is about to be completed with the application of Architect Dr. Ahmet Küçük. Thanks to this restoration project, it is thought that the ruins of the Tepe Mezarlığı, as in similar examples in the world, will increase especially in terms of tourism. The Restoration Project is implemented with the financing provided by the Governorship of Manisa and transferred to Akhisar Municipality.







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